Italian Verbal Modes and Tenses
Modi Verbali | (Verbal Modes)
When we look at verbs, it is important to understand the mode, a grammatical feature of verbs, which allows us to portray a very specific intention or attitude like stating a fact, expressing a desire, give an order and so on.
In Italian there are seven verbal modes:
- Modo Indicativo | (Italian Indicative Mode)
- Modo Condizionale | (Italian Conditional Mode)
- Modo Congiuntivo | (Italian Subjunctive Mode)
- Modo Imperativo | (Italian Imperative Mode)
- Modo Gerundio | (Italian Gerund Mode)
- Modo Participio | (Italian Participle Mode)
- Modo Infinito | (Italian Infinitive Mode)
Within each mode there can be one or more verbal tenses to express when the action has taken place (present, past, future, etc.).
The Italian verbal system, together with pronouns and prepositions, are probably one of the hardest things to learn for am Italian student. Verbs can often be irregular and the conjugation of each one can be a challenge. Do not stress, with time and bit of practice you will be able to learn and master them!
For more information on each verbal mode, follow the links above.
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